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                Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory
                Cell phone: 18825186668
                Cell phone: 18102298195
                E-mail: 778379404@QQ.COM
                Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou

                QQ Service Online:
                54 a 3 in 1 color
                Detail Info

                Technical parameters (Technical parameters)

                1. Nominal voltage (vo) ltage v50 AC110V - 230-60 hz

                2. The rated power (power consumption) 162 w

                3. The number of lens (light point number) 54 a (54 PCS)

                4. The light source (lamp) 54 * 3 w high power LED (54 * 3 w)

                5. Service life (life expectancy) 50000 hours (50000 h)

                6. Light Angle, beam Angle) 15, 25 and 45 is optional (can be) replacement lenses (lens to be able to choose)

                7. Control mode (control model) DMX512 automatic master-slave synchronization (DMXautomaster - slave)

                8 ch (8. DMX512 channels DMX512 channel)

                9. (weight) of 4.3 kg in weight

                10. The dimensions (size) of 270 x 220 x 390 mm

                11. Lamp body surface (ta) is the highest surface temperature 40 ℃ ~ 90 ℃

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                Tel: 18825186668      Fax: 18825186668      Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou
                Copyright © Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory All Rights Reserved.    粤ICP备2021072607号   INXUN.COM.CN