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                Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory
                Cell phone: 18825186668
                Cell phone: 18102298195
                E-mail: 778379404@QQ.COM
                Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou

                QQ Service Online:
                2500WComputer follow spot
                Detail Info

                2500 w computer follow spot

                2500 w Follow light soft

                Technical parameters (SKILL SPECIFICTIONS) :

                Voltage: AC220V / 50 hz

                Power: 3000 w

                Insurance: to be a light bulb: 20 HMI 2500 w

                Channel: 4 ch

                Volume: L1210xW440xH260mm

                Net weight: 22.5 kG gross weight: 24 kG

                Performance characteristics:

                Adopts full aluminum alloy pressure membrane combination design, elegant appearance, good heat dissipation

                Color reel 1:5 color + white light/with rainbow effect

                Color plate and atomization mirror mirror + + white light color temperature

                Aperture adjustment: the speed of light size visual field needs adjustment

                Sharpness adjustment: adjust the lens cone lens can be adjusted manually beam clarity

                Security: the whole machine is equipped with thermal protection, trigger the high pressure protection, safe and reliable

                Apply to the studio, stage, flow performances, fashion shows and other places of large

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                Tel: 18825186668      Fax: 18825186668      Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou
                Copyright © Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory All Rights Reserved.    粤ICP备2021072607号   INXUN.COM.CN