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                Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory
                Cell phone: 18825186668
                Cell phone: 18102298195
                E-mail: 778379404@QQ.COM
                Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou

                QQ Service Online:
                2500WMechanical follow spot
                Detail Info

                Using wide Angle reflection bowl, good lighting, can zoom range. Ideal color temperature, and high color rendering index. Lamp body adopts the whole aluminum alloy materials, small size, light in weight. High power fan cooling system to ensure the security of lamps and lanterns, sustained, stable work. This kind of lamps and lanterns, theatre, film and television are widely used in stage and gymnasium etc throw light on characters and landscape features.

                Power supply: 220 v / 50 hz

                Bulb: 220 v / 2500 whmi gas discharge

                Light from 0% ~ 100%, the aperture scale 6 ~ 15 degrees

                The best projection distance: 50-80 - m.

                Color temperature: 5600 k

                Weight: 34 kg

                The lamp body: 149 cmx33. 5 cmx48cm

                Power box: 28 kg

                alibaba.com  china.cn  google.com  baidu.com  Professional audio  Stage lighting  inxun.com.cn
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                Tel: 18825186668      Fax: 18825186668      Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou
                Copyright © Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory All Rights Reserved.    粤ICP备2021072607号   INXUN.COM.CN