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                Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory
                Cell phone: 18825186668
                Cell phone: 18102298195
                E-mail: 778379404@QQ.COM
                Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou

                QQ Service Online:
                1200W-2500WCity lights
                Detail Info

                Applicable places: widely used in the gym, hotel, park green space, amusement parks, tourist attractions, tall buildings, squares, castle, skyscrapers, holiday village, television tower, all kinds of large outdoor performances, building cover, large square, entertainment water table (pool), and the background lighting of low-rise buildings.

                Technical parameters:

                2 kw, 3 kw, 4 kw 1200 w to 2500 w

                Color change system: CMY color mixture + infinite brake light

                Communication signal: DMX512

                Channel: 8 channel

                Protection grade: IP55, 44

                Features: wide beam type floodlight, imported reflector, the built-in automatic demo application, many sets of group control can meet controller programming.

                Power supply: AC220V, 50 hz

                Power specifications: 2000 w / 3000 w / 1200 w to 2500 w (xenon lamp)

                Lamp life: 600 hours

                Color temperature: 6500 ok

                The dimming range: 0-100%

                Projection Angle: X.Y: 50.8 o x 19 o

                Applicable range: 50 m

                Packing size: 600 * 750 * 770 (mm)

                Light weight: 90 kg


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                Tel: 18825186668      Fax: 18825186668      Addr.: Jiaoxin village, Shijing town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou
                Copyright © Guangzhou Shengxiang Stage Lighting Equipment Factory All Rights Reserved.    粤ICP备2021072607号   INXUN.COM.CN